FWR works to restore healthy ecosystems in the Winooski watershed. We do this both by directly implimenting projects and by pairing landowners with resources to improves their properties.
Tree Plantings
We plant thousands of native trees and shrubs within our watershed each year. These woody buffers have many positive functions. They filter rain water, keeping our rivers cleaner. They slow down flood water, reducing flooding downstream. Their roots stabilize river banks, reducing erosion. And they provide habitat for fish, birds, and other creatures while also shading and cooling our waters. Have a river or stream bank that needs trees? Contact Us.
Culvert Replacments and Dam Removals
Dams and poorly designed culverts act as obstructions in our rivers. These obstructions hinder natural river processes and aquatic organisms from moving upstream. By removing these barriers we create a healthier rivers, protect the infastructure around them, and improve habitat for natural communities. These projects take years, inolvlve many partners, and require lots of funding. They are essential work to creating a healthy, resilient Winooski.
Storm Water Projects
The built enviroment is often overwhelmed with an influx of storm water. This results in large rain events washing pollutants rapidly into our rivers. We work with commercial and municipal partners to design and install systems that will slow, retain and filter water, before they enter our waterways.
Partnering with Land Owners
More than 80% of land is held privatley within the state of Vermont. The combined impact of how this land is managed is massive. Therefore we offer two FREE assesment programs to land owners: Storm Smart and Stream Wise. These programs give personalized assesments for how any property owner can better water quality for everyone downstream.
Clean Up Days
For over 25 years Friends of the Winooski River has been organizing the community to pick garbage out of our river. We have no plans of stopping now.
Our Work in the Watershed
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