Our Goal is a Clean, Healthy, Resilient Winooski Watershed.

Founded in 1998, Friends of the Winooski River is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and protection of the Winooski River and its watershed. We hope to create a community of stewards working to improve watershed health by reducing pollution, improving habitat, increasing river stability, and encouraging the sustainable enjoyment of our river.

I love volunteering with Friends of the Winooski! The annual river clean up is one of my favorite days of the year......There's something uniquely satisfying about working together with your friends and neighbors to dislodge a tire from the mud. It's just fun!

Anne, Montpelier

I love the Winooski River! Every season of the year, I can find beautiful places along the river that take my breath away. It's the water of life for those of us lucky enough to live in her watershed.

Jeanne, Burlington

Friends of the Winooski has helped to educate me a lot about how my and our actions affect this watershed for better or worse. It's a work in progress for everyone! Thank you Friends!

Scottie, Plainfield

Participating in the Stream Wise Assessment program helps me realize a piece of my dream as my parcel in Cabot not only has frontage on the Winooski, but also on the shore of West Hill Pond, the headwater of the Winooski. An important part of my dream has been to set an example for my family and to show the importance of the natural world and being active in protecting it.

Phil, Cabot

Each fall, after Labor Day weekend, I know I can always look forward to River Clean-Up Day....One thing I think people would never expect–the event is actually very fun. Here in Montpelier, we all see the Winooski and North Branch; they line our downtown and neighborhoods. In the Fall, if you see us down in the river, come on down, the water is warm-ish.

Jedediah, Montpelier


Tons of trash removed from the Winooski River


Habitats improved


Water quality samples analyzed


Trees and shrubs planted

Want help with storm water managment? Have a property near a stream or river?

Let us help you help the Winooski! We can provide residential site assesments and help with restoration projects. Learn more about our Landowner Resources or Contact Us.


Our Work in the Watershed

Click on items for more information. Click boxes in legend to turn layers on and off.


River News & Information


Understanding Dredging

Curious about pros and cons of dredging rivers? Friends of the Winooski River spoke with three local experts to better understand this practice. 

Apr 17 2024

Letter to Our Friends 2023

Homes, businesses, and a few entire towns were upended by the historic flooding in the Winooski River watershed this summer. Read full blog post at this link. 

Nov 22 2023