FWR is an educational resource for watershed residents, businesses, and municipalities. We aim to better educate ourselves and our community so we can work collectivly towards a healthier watershed.
Storm Smart
This is a FREE program that provides education and technical assistance to homes to promote green stormwater infrastructure and other stormwater solutions for our watershed and wildlife.
Stream Wise
Stream Wise AWARDS and RECOGNIZES private landowners that maintain wide buffers of native plants along the sections of the rivers and streams that they own to foster stream health and resiliency throughout the Lake Champlain basin, in rural, suburban, and urban areas.
Water Quality Sampling
FWR works through the La Rosa program to coordinate community partners in collecting water quality samples at 24 sites throughout the watershed. We collect phosphorus, nitrogen, and situationally chloride. This monitering is important for tracking trends in nutrient loading through time and has also identified some remediation projects.
Curriculum in Schools
FWR works with schools to incorporate watershed studies into the science curriculum, and to make school campuses greener. Projects have included:
- making rain barrels in art class,
- planting pollinator gardens,
- teaching stormwater curriculum units,
- training teachers to use model stream table,
- planting trees & shrubs along streams
- stream table demonstrations
Educational Resources
Here we have a compilled information about the history and natural communites of the river and its tributaries.
Basin and River Corridor Plans
Learn about our watershed's priority challenges and solutions described in the Winooski Tactical Basin Plan
Learn about the condition of the river and its tributaries as they go through your community, or even your backyard, by checking out the Stream Geomorphic Assessment or River Corridor Plan for your area: click here for a folder of plans.