Dam and Culvert Projects

Dams and poorly designed culverts act as obstructions in our rivers. These obstructions hinder natural river processes and aquatic organisms from moving upstream. By removing these barriers we create a healthier rivers, protect the infastructure around them, and improve habitat for natural communities. These projects take years, inolvlve many partners, and require lots of funding. They are essential work in creating a healthy, resilient Winooski River.

Projects Completed

Projects in Development

  • Culvert Replacement (Baptist St) on tributary to the Stevens Branch, Williamstown 
  • Dam Removal (Jockey Hollow) on Stevens Branch, Barre Town
  • Culvert Replacement (Mitchell Rd) on Gunners Brook, Barre Town 
  • Dam Removal (Brooklyn Street) on Stevens Branch, Barre City
  • Dam Removal on Kingsbury Branch, East Calais 
  • Dam Removal (Habbep) on Stevens Branch, Barre 

Interactive Map of Dam and Culvert Projects

Click on red squares for more information