River of Light 

Full Moon Paddle on the Winooski River

We meet at the Heineberg Bridge Fishing Access in Colchester, where there's a nice lawn area to set up our boats with lights and enjoy meeting other Friends of the river. 

Participants will leave their boats at Heineberg and drive their cars to the Colchester Point Access. Please note: there is no shuttle service provided at this event. Participants are responsible for self-shuttling. 

Everyone will launch at sunset (about 8 pm) and paddle the 2.5 miles to Lake Champlain under the full moon.

All paddlers must wear a properly fitted PFD. All paddlers must be facing forward or in the case of a row boat, there must be a passenger in the bow, facing forward. Every boat MUST have lighting for the safety of all participants. 

There is no pre-registration required. Participation is by donation to help the Friends of the Winooski River protect and restore the watershed. You can save yourself the hassle of bringing cash to the event by donating online in advance. 

Check out these links from the Burlington Free Press and 7Days from 2016's event --

Burlington Free Press captured the magic!

Seven Days' Eva Sollberger and her crew were there, too. The paddle became an installment on her series, Stuck in Vermont.