Barre Rivers

Volunteer Opportunities

We are an all-volunteer group, so we need a lot of volunteers to achieve our goals, which means there are a lot of opportunities for you to get involved! There are just a few listed below; join us at a meeting to bring your ideas and energy to the group. 


  • Posting activities, photos, articles, etc. on our social media sites as well as local, community-building advertising opportunities (FPF, newspapers, etc.)
  • A volunteer coordinator
  • Future Eat The River event with recipes and tastings of dishes made from our Rivers
  • Create a virtual river/nature walk/paddle of the Stevens Branch through downtown Barre City
  • Projects with the Natural Resource Program at the Central Vermont Career Center at Spaulding
  • Working with the Barre City Tree Committee
  • Addressing invasive species in our River system (eating, digging up, etc.)
  • Future Vermont Free Fishing Day activities
  • Vermont Granite Museum river access project


Where To Find Us

In the River : )

FaceBook as River Access Task Force

Instagram @barrerivers

Email [email protected]

Call/Text 802-505-7345